- 双语无机化学(Inorganic Chemistry) 本书根据国内外无机化学领域的发展趋势,依据“基础性与新颖性”并存的原则,历时数载编撰而成。全书共分十二章节,图文并茂,从原子结构出发,以元素周期表为主线,涵盖了化学热力学、化学动力学、原子结构、化学键与分子结构、化学平衡原理、氧化还原反应、元素化学(包括主族元素和过渡元素)、镧系及锕系元素、无机化学新兴领域等诸多知识点,各章节有一定的独立性,联结起来又成一体。全书语言平实,内容精练,力求将无机化学学科最精华的部分展现给读者,同时注重知识点的“新”和“精”,强调前沿与基础相结合,突出基础理论和实际应用相衔接。
作者:程金生 编辑:吴华 ISBN:978-7-305-06977-2 出版时间:201006 字数:434 定价:32.8 开本:16开 页数:272 装订:平装 版次:1 CIP分类号:
Chapter 1 The Behaviors of Gas, Liquid and Solution 内容提要 1-1 The Properties of Gas 1-2 The Properties of Liquid 1-3 The Properties of Solution Exercises Chapter 2 Chemical Thermodynamics 内容提要 2-1 First Law of Thermodynamics 2-2 Second Law of Thermodynamics 2-3 Third Law of Thermodynamics 2-4 Gibbs Free Energy 2-5 Hess’s Law Exercises Chapter 3 Chemical Kinetics 内容提要 3-1 The Rates of Chemical Reactions 3-2 Transition state (Eyring, 1930’s) 3-3 Catalysis Exercises Chapter 4 The Ionization Equilibria and Theories of Acids & Bases 内容提要 4-1 Theories of Acids and Bases 4-2 Strong and Weak Bases 4-3 Strong and Weak Acids 4-4 Common Ion Effect and Buffered Solution 4-5 The Dissociation of Weak Polyacids and Hydrolysis of Salts Exercises Chapter 5 The Equilibrium of Precipitation and Dissolution 内容提要 5-1 Solubility Product 5-2 Qsp, Ksp and Saturation 5-3 Molar Solubilities and Solubility Products 5-4 The Common-Ion Effect 5-5 How To Separate Ions by Selective Precipitation 5-6 The Simultaneous Equilibria between Precipitations Exercises Chapter 6 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions & Electrochemistry 内容提要 6-1 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 6-2 Electrode Potential 6-3 Electrochemical Cells 6-4 The Nernst Equation 6-5 Some application Exercises Chapter 7 The Atomic Structure and the Periodic Properties of the Elements 内容提要 7-1 Atom Structure 7-2 The Spectrum of Atomic Hydrogen and Bohr’s Theory 7-3 Atomic orbitals and Electron Configurations 7-4 The Periodic Properties of the Elements Exercises Chapter 8 Chemical Bonds and Structures 内容提要 8-1 Covalent Bonds 8-2 Molecular geometry 8-3 Ionic Bond 8-4 The Structures of Crystalline Solids 8-5 Metallic Bond 8-6 Intermolecular bonding-van der Waals Forces 8-7 Intermolecular bonding-Hydrogen bond Exercises Chapter 9 The Main-Group Elements 内容提要 9-1 Introduction 9-2 The Chemistry of Hydrogen 9-3 The Alkali Metals (Group 1 or Group IA) 9-4 The Alkaline Earth Metals (Group 2) 9-5 Boron Group (Group 13) 9-6 Carbon Group (Group 14) 9-7 Nitrogen Group (Group 15) 9-8 Chalcogen Group (Group 16) 9-9 Halogens Group (Group 17) 9-10 The Noble Gases (Group 18) Exercises Chapter 10 The Transition Metal Elements 内容提要 10-1 Introduction 10-2 Group 4 (The Titanium Subgroup) 10-3 Group 5 (The Vanadium Subgroup) 10-4 Group 6 (The Chromium Subgroup) 10-5 Group 7 (The Manganese Subgroup) 10-6 Group 8 (The Iron Subgroup) 10-7 Group 9 (The Cobalt Subgroup) 10-8 Group 11 (The Copper Subgroup) 1 10-9 Group 11 (The Copper Subgroup) Exercises Chapter 11 The Lanthanides and Actinides 内容提要 11-1 Definitions 11-2 Periodicity 11-3 Lanthanides 11-4 Actinides 11-5 Uranium Chemistry and Nuclear Chemistry Exercises Chapter 12 Introduction of Bio-Inorganic Chemistry 内容提要 12-1 Introduction 12-2 Major Areas of Bio-Inorganic Chemistry 12-3 Biomedicine Application Exercises