- A History of the Nanjing Massacre 西方一直缺少客观理性介绍日本军国主义制造南京大屠杀事件的史学著作,故南京大学出版社将《南京大屠杀史》(中文版)作为中国首个国家公祭日全民读本出版,并着手将其翻译为英文,A History of the Nanjing Massacare,对日军在南京的制造的南京大屠杀进行了全面、理性、客观的论述,揭示了历史的真相,有力地驳斥了日本右翼否定南京大屠杀史实的谬论。
作者:张宪文/梁侃 编辑:张淑文 李鸿敏0 ISBN:978-7-305-15850-6 出版时间:201511 字数:727 定价:280.00 开本:16开 页数:568 装订:精装 版次:1 CIP分类号:K265.606
西方一直缺少客观理性介绍日本军国主义制造南京大屠杀事件的史学著作,故南京大学出版社将《南京大屠杀史》(中文版)作为中国首个国家公祭日全民读本出版,并着手将其翻译为英文,A History of the Nanjing Massacare,对日军在南京的制造的南京大屠杀进行了全面、理性、客观的论述,揭示了历史的真相,有力地驳斥了日本右翼否定南京大屠杀史实的谬论。
Preface to English Edition Introduction Part I. The Nanjing Massacre: Atrocities Committed by Japanese Army / 3 Part II. Japanese Atrocities on Trial: Condemnation and Justice from China and International Community / 12 Part III. Japan’s Right Wing: Support for War and Faulty View of Nanjing Massacre / 19 1. Glorifi cation of Aggression / 20 2. Denial of Nanjing Massacre / 22 Part IV. Historical Materials: Collection, Publication, and Research / 27 Chapter One: The Battle of Nanjing Part I. Pre-war Nanjing / 43 1. Nanjing as the Nationalist Government Capital / 43 2. Nanjing’s Administrative Organization and Divisions / 44 3. Changes in Urban and Rural Populations / 48 Part II. Japanese Advance on Nanjing and Nationalist Government Response / 55 1. Japanese Westward Advance after Occupying Shanghai / 55 2. Japanese Air Strikes on Nanjing and Chinese Anti-Aircraft Operations / 59 3. Nationalist Government Measures to Defend Nanjing / 62 Part III. Fierce Battles at Main and Alternate Positions on City Periphery / 66 1. Contest for Main Peripheral Positions / 66 2. Defense Forces Adjust Positions and the Japanese Urge Surrender / 72 3. Battles to Defend the City / 74 Part IV. Japanese Capture of Nanjing / 85 1. Japanese Occupation of Nanjing / 85 2. Atrocities Along the Route / 94 3. Attacks on British and American Ships / 98 Chapter Two: The Massacre that Shocked the World Part I. “Disposal” of Prisoners and “Mop-Up Operations” / 103 1. “Disposal” of Prisoners of War During Siege of Nanjing / 103 2. “Mop-Up” Orders and “Mop-Up Operations” / 109 Part II. Collective Massacres / 116 1. Collective Massacres Near Yangtze River / 116 2. Manhunts Inside Safety Zone and Collective Massacres Inside and Outside City / 124 Part III. Scattered Killings / 147 1. Scattered Killings Inside City / 147 2. Scattered Killings Inside Safety Zone / 153 3. Scattered Killings in Nearby Suburbs / 158 Chapter Three: Sexual Violence on a Massive Scale Part I. Rape of Chinese Women / 165 1. Rape by Japanese Soldiers / 165 2. The Suffering of Victims / 169 3. Westerners Witness Sexual Violence / 172 Part II. Perverted Acts of Sexual Violence / 179 1. Gang Rape / 179 2. Forced Incest and Abusive Sexual Escapades / 184 3. Rape and Murder / 188 Part III. Japanese Army “Comfort Stations” and “Comfort Women” / 194 1. Establishment of Comfort Stations in Nanjing / 194 2. Types of Comfort Stations in Nanjing / 196 3. Management of Comfort Stations in Nanjing / 206 4. The Suffering of “Comfort Women” / 211 Chapter Four: Looting, Burning, and Destruction Part I. Looting / 221 1. Looting of Public and Private Property / 221 2. Seizure of Foreign Property / 230 3. Looting Books and Cultural Relics / 237 Part II. Burning / 244 1. Large-Scale Burning / 244 2. Scattered Burning / 247 3. Organized Arson / 249 Part III. Destruction of the City / 254 1. Destruction of Purple Mountain Scenic Area / 254 2. Destruction of Historical and Cultural Buildings / 256 3. Occupation and Demolition of Houses and Ancient Architecture / 261 Chapter Five: Relief Efforts of International Committee of the Nanjing Safety Zone Part I. Establishment of Nanjing International Safety Zone / 269 1. Westerners Advocate for Safety Zone / 269 2. Attitudes of China and Japan Toward Safety Zone / 274 3. Establishment of Nanjing International Safety Zone / 278 Part II. International Committee Refugee Protection and Relief Efforts / 282 1. Institution to Organize and Manage Safety Zone / 282 2. Distribution of Refugee Camps and Settlement of Refugees / 285 3. Refugee Relief / 289 4. Protection and Rescue of Refugees / 293 Part III. Change in Japanese Attitude Toward Safety Zone / 299 1. Tacit Acknowledgment of Safety Zone During Initial Occupation / 299 2. International Committee Efforts to Cooperate with Japanese Authorities / 305 3. Japanese Hostility Toward and Marginalization of International Committee / 308 4. Dissolution of International Committee and Closure of Safety Zone / 315 Chapter Six: Nanjing Under Japanese Rule Part I. Control by the Japanese Army / 325 1. Military Control / 325 2. Social and Economic Control / 329 Part II. Puppet Nanjing Self-Government Committee / 333 1. Establishment of Nanjing Self-Government Committee / 333 2. Activities of Self-Government Committee / 336 Part III. Burial and Disposal of Victims’ Bodies / 340 1. Burial by Charitable Groups / 340 2. Japanese Army’s Disposal of Bodies / 348 Part IV. The Lives of Nanjing Citizens Under Japanese Rule / 356 1. The Japanese Whitewash of “Peace and Prosperity” / 356 2. Living Conditions in the City / 360 3. Living Conditions of Suburban Farmers / 363 4. Refugees’ State of Mind During Nanjing Massacre / 366 Chapter Seven: Chinese Reporting on the Nanjing Massacre Part I. Chinese Media Reports / 373 1. Media Coverage in Kuomintang-Controlled Areas / 373 2. Chinese Communist Party Media Coverage / 379 Part II. Revelations of Nanjing Massacre Survivors / 386 1. Revelations of Soldiers Fleeing Nanjing / 386 2. Revelations of Refugees in Nanjing / 391 Part III. Publicity by Chinese Authorities / 398 1. Overseas Publicity by International Publicity Offi ce / 398 2. Publications by the Military Affairs Commission Political Department / 407 Chapter Eight: Reaction to Nanjing Massacre of the International Community and Japan Part I. Reaction of the United States / 411 1. News Media Coverage / 411 2. Offi cial Reaction / 413 Part II. Reaction of Germany / 418 1. Offi cial Reaction / 418 2. 2. Change in Government Attitude / 422 Part III. Reaction of the United Kingdom / 426 1. News Media Coverage / 426 2. Offi cial Reaction / 430 Part IV. Reactions of Spain, Italy, and the Soviet Union / 433 1. Reaction of Spain / 433 2. Reactions of Italy and the Soviet Union / 434 Part V. Reaction of Japan / 438 1. Offi cial Reaction / 438 2. News Media Coverage and Public Reaction / 452 Chapter Nine: Post-War Investigations and Tribunals Part I. Post-War Investigations / 465 1. Nanjing Enemy Crimes Investigation Commission / 465 2. Nanjing War of Resistance Losses Survey Commission / 472 3. War Crimes Investigation of Nanjing Massacre / 479 Part II. Nanjing Tribunal / 485 1. Policies and Procedures for Trying Japanese War Criminals / 485 2. Filing Nanjing Massacre War Criminal Cases / 488 3. Tribunal Trials and Judgments / 492 Part III. Tokyo Tribunal / 505 1. Creation of International Military Tribunal for the Far East / 505 2. Collection of Evidence / 508 3. Nanjing Massacre Hearings / 516 4. Matsui Iwane Found Guilty / 519 5. Tribunal Judgment and Dissenting Opinions / 530 Index Contributors