- 企业可持续发展研究:全球经济一体化与信息网络化视角 本书主要探讨与研究全球经济一体化和信息网络化所带来的跨民族商业管理,对企业持续发展的影响和作用。关注的焦点包括:全球经济集中化下的领导与组织行为、战略和企业管理,信息网络化领域内的国际商业管理、人力资源管理、电子商务化、服务以及公司财务。
作者:赵曙明 等 编辑:唐甜甜 等 ISBN:978-7-305-13214-8 出版时间:201406 字数:1240千 定价:280 开本:16开 页数:548 装订:精装 版次:1 CIP分类号:
Contents Part I: Leadership and Organizational Behavior for Sustainable Corporate Development 1. Why Managers Do What They Do? A Study on Chinese Managers’ Time Allocation Author:Jing Yu YANG, Song CHANG, Fiona Kun YAO 2. A Double-edged Sword :Trust among TMT Members in Family-owned Enterprises Author:Kun QIAO, Shan DAi, Liping YANG 3. Towards an Evolutionary Theory of Chinese Leadership Author:Antony John Drew, Hans Jansson 4. The Challenges to Organization Management Brought by Telework Author:Yanmei LIN, Hong LIU 5. Using a Trust Framework to Examine Job Engagement in China Author:Jennifer Morton, Ekin K. Pellegrini 6. Relationship between Supportive Leadership, Team Diversity and Decision Quality in Chinese Context Author:Zhihong CHEN 7. Research on the Relationship between Employee-organization Relationship and Organizational Trust from the Perspective of Social Cognition Author: Lu Lu ZHOU, Shu Ming ZHAO, Xu Fan ZHANG Part II: Strategic and Entrepreneurship Management under Global Economic Integration 8. The Determinants of Business Start-Up Activities Across Different Countries:A Systematic Approach Author: Guohua JIANG, Feng ZHANG 9. United Nations Global Compact: Answer to Corporate Misconduct? Author:John F. HulpkE, Clifford D. FisheR, Cubie LaU, Aidan KellY 10. The Use and Usefulness of OECD’s “Green Growth Diagnostics” Author: Harald Sander 11. Diagnosis for Effectiveness: Performance Assessment from a Diagnostic Measurement Perspective with Big Data Author:Cody DING 12. An Analysis of the New Academic System in UCD Author:Alejandro M. Fernandez Castro, Aidan Kelly, Yousef Husein, John Hulpke 13. Does a Firm’s CSR Activity Type Effect Its Market Outcomes? Author:Jang-Hui HAN, Ji Ho CHOI 14. Factors Affecting the Entrepreneurial Attitudes of Business and Non-Business Students Author:Lloyd G. Gibson, Regina A. Gibson 15. Does Original Region Institutional Quality Matter? An Empirical Example from H-share Listed Companies in 2005-2009 Author:Erming Xu, Cynthia Yang 16. International Strategies by Emerging Market Multinationals: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach Author:Ping DENG Part III: International Business Management in the Era of Information Networking 17. The Decision-Making Processes in Multinational Enterprises: How Headquarters Make Strategic Change for Their Chinese Subsidiaries Author:Jason McGovern, Stephen Nicholas, Brendan Boyle 18. Competitive Strategy in a Changing Global Education Industry Author:Brendan Boyle, Rebecca Mitchell, Anthony McDonnell 19. Dynamic capabilities in born global firms: Example of an Indian knowledge-intensive service firm Author:Nishant Kumara, Ali Yakhlefa 20. A Third Way for Chinese Firms’ Global Expansion? Author:Christiane Prange 21. Chinese Firm BGP in Nigeria: Cultural Shocks and Solutions Author:Cuiping ZHANG , Liangju JIANG 22. Location, Distance and Internationalization Performance: A Spatial Analysis of Firms in China Author:Stephen CHEN, Hao TAN 23. Political Regimes, Institutions and FDI Inflows: Evidence from UMCs Author:Seyeashkan MADANI, Mahya NOBAKHT 24. Investment of Chinese enterprises in Africa, the example of Uganda Author:Meine Pieter van Dijk, Ward WARMERDAM 25. Chinese Direct Investment in Australia Author:Hans Hendrischke, Wei LI 26. Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions by Emerging Economic MNCs: A Comparative Perspective Author:Ping DENG, Monica YANG Part IV: Human Resource Management for Sustainable Corporate Development 27. The Institutional Influence of Trade Unions During Periods of Economic Transition: Lessons from Australia and Britain Author:Chris F. WRIGHT, William BROWN, Russell LANSBURY 28. The Relationship between Social Network and Job Return Satisfaction—An Empirical Study Based on Urban Labor Market Author:Qinghua HUANG, Ming ZHANG, Zhibo ZHOU 29. The Effect of High Performance Work Systems in Family Businesses on Organizational Identification of Non-family Employees Author:Bao CHEN, Shimei YAN, Lizhe CHEN, Zichen CHEN 30. Empirical Study on Job Satisfaction and Expatriate Motivation in Chinese Multinational Enterprises Author:Xiaoqian YE, Li WU 31. An Empirical Study of the Impact of Organizational Justice on Temporary Agency Employee’s Engagement: The Mediating Effect of Organizational Identification Author:Jianwu JIANG, Zhijing WANG, Nancai LI 32. Organizational Defiance to Institutional Change:Empirical Study on China’s Minimum Wage System Author:Runtian JING, Lihe DING 33. An American Perspective on Labor Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility Author:John T. DELANEY, Kimberly C. GLEASON, William E. HEFLEY Part V: E-commerce, Service and Corporate Finance in the Era of Information Networking 34. International Technology Transfer: A Study of Public Policy Tools Author:Mani K. MADALA 35. Strategic Service Considerations for Examining Key Success Factors for Modern Retail Chains in the Chinese Market Author:Sajal KABIRAJ 36. The Research on Crowdsourcing Model and its Influence on Business Operation Author:Tao MENG, Xiaomin LIN 37. Impact of Insiders and Outsiders of Entrepreneurial Firms on Valuation in Initial Public Offering——An Empirical Study on China’s Growth Enterprise Market Author:Zhijian XU, Zhiyou XIE 38. Analysis of Popularity of Plastic Surgery among New Female Generation in China from a Cultural and Consumer Behaviour Perspective Author:Congying WANG, Dongtao YANG 39. Financial System Development as an AC Factor with Respect to FDI Spillover: Evidence from UMCs Author:Mahya NOBAKHT, Seyeashkan MADANI 40. ISO 14000: An Institutional Perspective Author:Yousef HUSEIN, Aidan KELLY, Alejandro Fernando CASTRO and John HULPKE 41. The Determinants of Global Bank Credit Default Swap Spreads Author:Iftekhar HASAN, Liuling LIU, Gaiyan ZHANG 42. Indirect R&D, Absorptive Capacity and Knowledge Production: Evidence from China Author:Kunrong Shen, Xinglong Zhang, Jian LI 43. The Impact of Board Heterogeneity on IPO Underpricing of Entrepreneurial Firms Author:Zhijian XU, Li WANG