- 企业家与全球化组织的创造:中国、日本及美国的案例研究(英文) In this book, the authors take the long viewpoint from the second half of the 19th century through today to focus on the spirit and activities of entrepreneurs in the three countries of China, Japan and the United States.
作者:赵曙明、Joel Glassman, Masato Kimura 编辑:唐甜甜/潘婷 ISBN:978-7-305-09648-8 出版时间:201402 字数:300千 定价:55.00 开本:16开 页数:216 装订:平装 版次:1 CIP分类号:
Dr. Joel Glassman is Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Director of the Office of International Studies and Programs at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, U.S.A. His own academic expertise is in the fields of comparative politics and Chinese politics. Most of his published research concerns educational politics in China. He was President of the Nanjing-St. Louis Sister City Committee, the first U.S-China Sister City relationship, from 1992 until 2012. Dr. Glassman holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Michigan.
In this book, the authors take the long viewpoint from the second half of the 19th century through today to focus on the spirit and activities of entrepreneurs in the three countries of China, Japan and the United States.